Friday, April 4, 2014

A Tuesday In 40 Days for The Charles Lloyd

So while others get stuck into Bacon or Sausage to start the day, moi feasts upon these puppies on toast. As a side to some bran thing I knock up, oh the taste buds do play to the tone of these tastes.
Just as well as the brain got a battering today. OMG it would seem what ever provider you sign up with they will put a spanner in the works first to make it look hard for you so you buy more stuff you really do not need and then when you let them know they are doping you things suddenly work as they were sold to you. 

As a side line, if you are selling to me, I want to buy your product because I have read up on it. I have made up my mind what I need and if you confuse me by trying to sell up straight away I will rethink as I am buying the product because I want it long term and will buy up unharrased. 

I pause to munch on some Nutella on sour dough toast, with hippy green tea to wash it down. Oh how I love my kitchen, this love affair has improved since the no meat thing. To dwell in the cupboards making my mind up how I am going to use ingredients in a different way has opened the mind. For now this little beauty Nutella will do me. I may have a little bit of Jam too, see how this blog goes. 

If you have read the blog and my other blogs you will know I have just lost my father, it is a strange place in life to be. I have some anger issues with certain people that made his last few months a pain & also not liking myself for not being there when he passed. So I have been having a chat with the vicar. He came around today. A lot of people knock the church, but if you look at what they offer and break down the whole concept of feasts they offer through the year. The rituals set up for births, marriage and death make sense and really there are only ten rules to follow that really are common to all in any creed. So I spoke to him and listened to what he had to say, this support is open to everyone & even if you do not go or believe they will come. I stick to the Church of England as they seem not to throw things down your throat like others. 

So I set many issues that had been troubling me to rest by talking to a Vicar. Meanwhile back at the ranch. After some lunch I was able to pick up with the IT stuff much easier. One of my biggest errors in life is to let things build up, this break from the party life and busy life I lead normally has made me take that time to reflect and not allow things to build up. 

So the website is now live. Website two in production. Having a good tidy up on line without a smoke, a pork pie are a hard cider. So I think I will finish there and lye you go. Have a great day & thanks for the read. Also no April fools, never liked them & if you know me thank you for sparing me. 

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