Saturday, April 5, 2014

Friday, the day that most people enjoy

OK We Seem To Have Last Weeks Friday Here.

Well here we are by where the Pilgrims left for America. Nice that it has been marked by the good people of Plymouth. The strain of smelling all those lovey looking Pasties on Monday made me think of this place as I woke. All my children were born in America & I guess now they are living in the UK I best keep to the nonsmoking & get this brand rolling so they have everything they need to lead a good life.

Setting up a new project is indeed hard work away from the busy urban life I once knew, also when I was living in the states I mixed with a lot of get up and go people. Today I foolishly mentioned to a friend what I was doing and got bored to the point of wanting to hang myself with the long lost of questions and problems they were dreaming up.

Anyway as luck would have it, my children were staying the night. So a movie night and games was on the cards. I collected then from school and we had a wonderful night. I had not noticed before that frustration really made me want to reach for a Gin, so I was safely distracted from the booze. Thank you children.

Meat wise, I cook it for the children and do myself a vegi thing. Well the children have shown much interest in this and it would seem I have opened up a whole new menu for them. So not feasting on meat with them has done us all a service.

Smoking, this damn cough/cold thing I have seems to have done that in. Back to the Brand. I have a lot of Tec stuff to learn which I have been pouring over since Wednesday. It really is draining exercising the brain in a new way. So I was planning to take the week end off and let my thinking self recharge.

I think I have said enough about today. Thank you again for reading, have a wonderful day.

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