Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesdays Rock My World.

I had a hair cut.

A Quick Snap Of Moi In Totnes

I woke before the crows, excited as the last of the pieces of the puzzle was being unrolled today. As I have had a bit of a kicking emotionally lately I have now got a life coach. Others rely in partners for this, but I have not got one, so this is a good move.  The sun poured in the window, I did a massive spring clean & air of the flat then took myself off to the Barber. I had a good chat with her about the brand, so the gossip will start around the town and off I went to Totnes for the meeting. On the way I met a mighty fine chap who is going to join the team now, I have known him for a while and glad to have his talents on board. 

Type meeting went very well, it was nice to drop the professional fears off with another and get them boxed into manageable segments ready to be used or discarded. The sun poured down on the River dart as I left the meeting & boats were being put back in the water from the dry dock. Of course I had to make a few vines & visit a few friends before returning home happy.

So the bones of the project the three things I am giving up did not feature. I walked I to a bar & ordered a coffee without thinking, there was a mighty fine looking grill, but as I have said  not hungry much at the moment. The girls were safe & sound in the USA & the nicotine chewing gum was doing the trick.  Cheers all. I have another meeting tomorrow with not such a nice person who dampens my path, but hey I am penning this before bed, I will worry about that when I wake. Thanks for the read.


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